Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cotton Candy Swirl

I would have to say that this is my most successful water marble to date!

I used Finger Paints' Tiffany Impostor and Rimmel London's English Rose.

My biggest fail when it comes to water marbles is consistency. Even when I do the same amount of drops and draw in the same pattern, I rarely get two nails that are super similar!

Before removing this, I decided I see how some glitter (Sally Hansen's Bling-Tastic and some pink one by Wet n Wild) would look on top:

Es todo. iBuenos días! =)

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looks really nice!!!!!
2 replies · active 682 weeks ago
Dude these are awesome!!! I can't water marble at all and these are so pretty!! Let me know ASAP if you want those essies of mine-I have someone else who wants them!
1 reply · active 682 weeks ago
Thanks! :) I'm still really bad at water marbling and I've been practicing with it for over a year! =P
Wooow, that really does remind me of cotton candy. I haven't done water marbling yet, mostly cause I'm pretty sure I'll mess it up, but I love looking at it. :)
1 reply · active 682 weeks ago
Thanks! :) Not gonna lie, it is pretty difficult. At least for me. It's taken me over a year to practice and finally be able to create decent looks!
I think this looks fabulous! It certainly puts me in the mood for spring!
1 reply · active 682 weeks ago
Thank you! :) It does me too! xD
I like them, and to me water marble is a unity, but not copies of each other...
1 reply · active 682 weeks ago
Thanks! Yea, I like having different designs on each nail, but I like having similar patterns on all nails, too! =P
OMG that is AMAZING! That looks so good!
1 reply · active 682 weeks ago
Thank you!! xD I'm so glad I finally got one to come out so decent!
Thank you! I'm really happy it came out as good as it did!! :D
Great job! Such beautiful water marble I'm jealous it's so hard .
1 reply · active 682 weeks ago
Thanks, :) yea it is really hard!
I love the colors! I think It look awesome!
1 reply · active 682 weeks ago
Me too! Thank you!! xD
looks really nice!
1 reply · active 682 weeks ago
You did such a great job! I litereally just did my first water marble this past weekend and I had the same problem with consistancy. Its so fun to do though.
1 reply · active 681 weeks ago
Thanks! :) Yea, it took me FOREVER to finally get decent at it!
hey!! I love this nail design.. and I tried it also, but the water marble didn't work.. and I don't know why.. do you need a special nail lack?? ;)
very nice blog.. ;) bye
1 reply · active 681 weeks ago
Practice, practice, practice! I think it took me at least a year to finally be able to get it working the way I wanted. And still I have a lot of trouble with consistency and getting the same look on each nail, even when I do the same amount of polish and draw in the same design and everything! Also, I am really bad about smacking my finger against the bottom or side and ruining the design!

However. I cut off the bottom of a 20oz bottle of pop/water and use that. Fill it with room temp bottled water and it usually requires a minimum of 10 drops (or until they stop spreading) of polish to get it to come out looking decent. To avoid bubbling, I shake my finger a little while it's in the water, and then shake it after I pull it out and get them all off.

I have found that it's greatly about the polish. Sometimes even if it looks like it's doing okay in the water, it sucks and won't let the next color spread right. So it's largely about playing and practicing with different polishes and getting them to spread and work together well (and don't dry too fast). I have found that sometimes you can add thinner to the polish and it'll work better for marbling, though. Recently, I cut about 50 index cards into circles and just sat for 3 hours and practiced with 50 different polishes in different combos, then dropped the card into the water so it would pick up the whole design. I have found that to be the best way (for me, anyway because then I can name and store them in my mani ideas notebook) to practice and test colors and combos!

Hmm... Make sure you don't have a fan going or anything like that, it can dry the surface of your cup faster than you want. Wipe your toothpick or whatever you're using to draw your design after every swipe in the water.

Also, I love Rimmel London's English Rose, Finger Paints' Tiffany Impostor and Sally Hansen cremes do fairly well in the water. I have heard that China Glaze is typically good for marbling, too!

That's all I can really think of right now! =D Hope you can make it work for you!! It's actually super fun once you finally get it down!

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