Sunday, April 22, 2012

Ruined it

Remember when I showed you Pure ICE's All Night Long the other day?

Well, I went and destroyed it with a pearl and a flakie!

I never layer, at least not with more than two total polishes, so I figured I'd give it a try. Since this was my first layering, I just used two other colors. I added a coat of Sally Hansen's South Sea Pearl, followed by a coat of Finger Paints' Twisted.

Don't judge... It's pretty horrific... Don't say I didn't warn you...

I have no idea why it looks all chunky and BLEH, but needless to say, it came off IMMEDIATELY!!

Have you ever had a layering mani go extremely wrong? I'll definitely be attempting to redeem myself in this category in the near future!

Buenos días. =)
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