Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Flakies for Freedom

The base for this mani was inspired by a look done by TrailerHood Chic in which she sandwiched Finger Paints Mötley in Revlon Royal.

It was really hard to capture a good picture of it, but I loved the look of the flakies layered between the jelly so much that I had to recreate it for myself!

On the blue nails, I did one coat of Revlon Royal, two of Finger Paints Mötley, and another of Royal. On the red nails, I did one coat of NYC Big Apple Red, two of FP Flashy, and a final Big Apple Red. This looked better when I envisioned it in my head, but it's alright for a couple of days worth of wear! ^.^

I trimmed my nails before doing this manicure. I accidentally filed them a little shorter than I had initially intended to, but I'm okay with it because pregnancy has been great to me in the nail area. I used to only trim them about once a month at most unless they'd break, but now they grow so fast, that amount has tripled and I file them at least every other week!
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