Friday, July 6, 2012

From the Vault - I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for Ice Cream

Sooo... I am debating forgetting about doing From the Vault posts. For multiple reasons.

One, all old designs that I show are either really crappy in my application or lack of cleanup, and therefore are disgusting, and should be seen by no eyes other than my own... and even that is a stretch!

As well, previously, all I had to take pictures with was a digital camera that wouldn't focus to pick up detail on anything small, or one of the original iPhones with terrible cameras! So the photography is equally as craptastic, blurry, out of focus, and awful.

PLUS, I consider "from the vault" to be at least 6 months old. I don't have many looks that I do and don't post. If so, they're fails and I end up just getting rid of them, anyway. Or they're swatches. Which is why I am, instead, dabbling with the idea of dedicating one day per week, or per month, to a swatch post.

Any thoughts?

On to the nails you're here for...

Somehow I missed posting these nearly a year ago, so here they are now. I have no clue what colors I used, for the most part, though. I know the green and pink were both Pure ICE. The pink may have been Flirt Alert. I believe the orange was China Glaze Sun Worshiper, but I have no idea what the blue was or what the background color was; and the cherries were done in Finger Paints Romanticism Ruby.

All-in-all, they weren't my best work, but they were still pretty fun and colorful!!

Buenos días. =)
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