Monday, October 15, 2012

Quince de Creatividad - Flower Hair Clips

I picked up this pastel rainbow hair clip for my little one at a craft show from a place called Kat & Co. Looking at it, I knew for $3.50 USD, I could make my own! So I did just that!

For around $10, I got some clips, felt, buttons, and fake flowers, and was able to make 11 of them! They make an easy, cheap, and adorable gift for little girls!

I just disassembled the flowers and removed the stems, put them on the tops of the clips, and glued a piece of felt to the back (all I had laying around at the time was wood glue, though, so it seeped through a bit and discolored the felt, I'll definitely use hot glue next time), and voila! 

For the larger ones, I just used the regular centers that were already on them, but found some cute rainbow butterfly buttons that I used as replacement centers for the others.

I will definitely be making more of these in the future, I love them! ^.^
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