Monday, January 21, 2013

Essie - First Dance

Typically, I am not a fan of reds. This one, though, I am okay with. Which is a bit of a surprise, because Essie and I kind of have a love/hate relationship. Of every Essie I try, I either love it or hate it, and I've only found 2/6 that I like a lot, sadly (not including this one).

I prefer reds that have a blue undertone to them, and aren't too tomatoey, so this one definitely works for me! It's opacity is amazing, but being a mini, the brush pretty much sucks as is usual with minis.

Unfortunately, I haven't had a lot of time for intricate nail art in the past 4 months, but hopefully I will once the itty bitty starts sleeping for longer stretches at a time, and I am done with school (in May and I can't wait)! I've been in school for the past 19 years of my life. I am more than ready to be out for a while!

That little face is definitely worth missing out on some nail art, though! :)