Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Twinsie Tuesday - Marching Orders

How excited was I to get an email from Amanda asking me to join the elite and awesome Twinsie Tuesday group?! I'm thrilled to start posting with these wonderful ladies! Thank you guys so much for the invite, I am honored!

So for my first TT post, the theme is Marching Orders. Meaning another twinsie gives you orders on what type of mani to do. My marching orders came from Maribeth, and I was to create movie-inspired nails.

Of course, being the newbie to the group, I knew I'd have to do something awesome to prove myself. In like a lion, out like a lamb, right?

Everything fell into place when my June It Girl Julep Maven box came and the three polishes together screamed "beachy/nautical" to me, because then I thought "hey, I love the movie The Beach", and the rest was history!

Inspired by this movie, I did a water marble with Nan (the coralesque burnt orange), Bess (the lighter blue), and Char (one ridiculously gorgeous navy/slightly royal blue).

I suppose they aren't too bad. Definitely not the bang of an intro I was going for, though!

By the way, I had two nail breaks in less than a week, so I'm rockin' nubbies right now, but I do have some back-order manis that I've done over the past month or so and you'll see my nails long in those posts.

So while we're waiting on my stubby nails to grow back, check out what all the other lovey twinsies did on their nails today!

Amanda at Amandalandish
Amber at Nails Like Lace
Chelsea at Nailed Blog
Cordia at Seriously Swatched
Elizabeth at Did My Nails
Katherine at Haul of Fame
Kelly at Tuxarina
Lakeisha at Refined and Polished
Marisa at Polish Obsession
Meredith at Polish and Charms
Rachel at Top Coat It
Róisín at Cuti-CLUE-les
Sarah at See Sarah Swatch
Traci at DrinkCitra
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