Monday, October 28, 2013

I Vant to Bite Your Neck!

I did another nail collab on Instagram with @amylovesnewwave and @paintmainails. This time we did vampires!

When we agreed on this theme, I immediately knew what I wanted to do!

All the way back in January of 2012, I did some nails inspired by the movie Desperado. Ya know, the one with Antonio Banderas where he kicks lots of asses and serenades me with his to-die-for accent.... Yea, that one (click that link ^up^ yonder, there's a video at the end of that post so you can enjoy the lovely voice of which I speak)!

Well, (now I'm not sure why, but,) back then, I was so super proud of the bullet hole nail I did in that mani. Ever since, I've wanted to do something again similar to that. So I knew I had to make one nail a vampire bite mark nail!

On my "blood" nails, the index finger and pinky, I just have 2 coats of OPI Black Cherry Chutney. The other three got OPI My Very First Knockwurst. Except I didn't realize until after I put the base down that my vampire should be much paler than his bitten victim, so I sponged some white on top of MVFK to lighten it some (shh, I never said it was successfully).

I don't think they turned out too bad! And they were pretty fun to do too! ^.^
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