Saturday, October 5, 2013

Zoya Stevie & Zoya Trixie - Swatchesque

In my most recent Zoya order, I picked up Pixie Dust Stevie, and Trixie, a gorgeous, metallic silver.

I didn't want to do a full, boring swatch, though, so I just did Stevie on three nails, and wore Trixie as an accent.

Here are both at one coat (almost opaque!):

Three coats of Stevie and one coat of Trixie:

With topcoat:

Normally I love my Pixie Dusts with or without topcoat. I do like this one topcoated, but I think it is definitely way more gorgeous without! I'm glad to be adding both to my Zoya shelf, they're both pretty awesome formula/application-wise and everything! ^.^

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