Monday, November 25, 2013

Born Pretty Store Review: Triangle Studs

I'm kind of loving the studs I have to show you today from Born Pretty Store! These are 3mm triangle studs. For $4.99 USD, you get a ton of these things! The site says about 200, but I didn't count. I do know that when I transferred them from the bag they came in, to a nail deco wheel, they took up three and a half spots. So you get plenty to last quite a while!

I didn't have problems at all with keeping these on once I added a coat of Seche Vite over them. I didn't have a single one fall off. And I love the shape of these. They're different from the typical circle or square stud, and they're fun to play with!

For 10% off your Born Pretty Store order, use my code ANL91 when you check out!

This product was sent to me for my honest review from All opinions are my own.
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