Friday, January 31, 2014

Twinsie Tuesday Special Edition Anniversary Post: Recreate Another Twinsie's First TT Mani

Today is a special edition anniversary post from the girls in the Twinsie Tuesday group. Normally we post on Tuesdays (obviously), but for the group's anniversary, we did manicures inspired by another participant's first TT post.

I was so excited when I was assigned to Stephanie (A Little Polish) because I absolutely fell in love with her TT debut mani and immediately knew I eventually wanted to recreate it! Here's what her mani looked like:

The technique Stephanie used has a very grungy feel to me, though not actually what is known as a "grunge mani". I love the brush stroke-y look in this!

So of course I had to change it up a little and use my own colors, but I just layered them, brushing each additional color on lightly and using a tiny liner brush.

I did a couple of spongings near my cuticle with a Maybelline Color Show Street Art polish called Nighttime Noise, then added some black, and joined them roughly in the middle with Zoya Trixie.

Of course Stephanie's original design is fabulous! I love this look!

Here's what everyone else did for today:
Alaina at The Little Canvas
Amanda at Amandalandish
Chelsea at Nailed Blog
Elizabeth at Did My Nails
Kelly at Tuxarina
Lakeisha at Refined and Polished
Marisa at Polish Obsession
Rachel at Top Coat It
Róisín at Cuti-CLUE-les
Stephanie at A Little Polish
Traci at DrinkCitra
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