Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Born Pretty Store Review - 3D Teardrop Stones

Born Pretty Store sent me some really pretty teardrop stones to show you! I'm actually not sure what to call these. They aren't studs, but they're not exactly stones, either. They're just 3D nail decoration pieces. The pattern I have is a clear (changed a bit because of the base color) and black marbely design.

I thought these would look nice on a maroon and decided to surround them with silver bullion beads to add just a little extra to the mani. I kept accidentally shoving them under the stone at the bottom and messing it all up, though! So I probably should have added Seche Vite around the edges of the stone and then put the beads on. Still, I am pretty happy with how these turned out, for the most part.

If you're interested in these 3D stones, they come in a pack of five and you can choose from seven different styles. They are $2.91 USD with free shipping on the BPS website.

If you shop Born Pretty, make sure to use my discount code ANL91 and you'll get 10% off your order!

This product was sent for my honest review from All opinions are both entirely truthful and my own.
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