Sunday, February 9, 2014

Half Moon Hearts

At the beginning of the month, one of the themes in my Twinsie Tuesday group was to do a mani for American Heart Month. I ended up doing these half moon hearts in two different reds, but they looked too similar and I have been wanting to try the look again, but use different colors so the half moon hearts show up better.

This mani was also inspired by a baby skirt I saw the other day. I had taken a picture of it on my phone, but wound up accidentally deleting it, and I couldn't find the skirt online to share. Anyway, it was pink with hearts all over it in two shades of grey, white, and pink, and the hearts were filled in with either teenier hearts or stripes.

Here's the mani I came up with to match!

For this festive and lovey dovey mani, I used China Glaze Something Sweet (pink), China Glaze Recycle (light grey), and China Glaze Concrete Catwalk (darker grey). I wanted to go for something not super traditional, so I liked the grey for that. Needless to say, I am pretty in love with these!

What's on your nails for the upcoming holiday?
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