Friday, February 28, 2014

Textured Rays - Untriedicure #2

I grabbed a few polishes and was really just playing around with them, checking glitter density, seeing how they looked, etc.

I figured putting them all together was going to be an atrocious mess and it was just one of those messing around, it would never end up being something I'd actually post type things; but I ended up absolutely loving the outcome and had to do it on all my nails and wear this as a full mani!!

I got these all from a swap I did with c_michelangelo on Instagram. Clearly she knows the way to my heart: lots of blue polishes! ^.^

The base is Salon Perfect Bermuda Baby, with Hard Candy Jaw Breaker on top, and rays of Sally Hansen Razzel-berry.

Alone, Bermuda Baby is a really pretty matte teal! It has a gorgeous magenta shimmer in the bottle, but unfortunately that doesn't translate to the nail. It also took three coats for opacity, but dried really fast, as is common with mattes.

I'm thinking maybe I should just stop planning my manis. They seem to turn out looking awesome when I don't! ^.^
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