Monday, March 16, 2015

Mommy's Mani Monday: Seasonal Nails - St. Patrick's Day

The Mommy's Mani Monday group is back this week with St. Patrick's Day manis (and a few new members)!!

I picked up Pure ICE Feelin Ornamental because it screamed "St. Patrick's Day" to me with that gorgeous golden green (pistachio-ish?) micro glitter base and larger green hexes! I sponged a few coats of that on my middle two nails and used Virtuous Polish's Seven Virtues collection for a rainbow gradient on my outer two nails, with Essie Going Incognito shamrocks. My thumb is Essie Going Incognito with a large Zoya Trixie shamrock.

Be sure to check out the #MommysManiMonday tag on Instagram to see what all the other mamas did for their manis today!
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