Thursday, July 9, 2015

Anonymous Lacquer: Rainbow Brights Collection + LE Trio

Anonymous Lacquer released her Rainbow Brights collection (my original swatches and review here) a couple months ago, and recently created an additional limited edition trio to go with them (black capped bottles). 

For the sake of consistency, I've reswatched the original collection plus the three new ones, and will have a 15% off discount code for you at the end of this post to pick the collection up!

Warning: This post is very picture-heavy!

Pink-nic in the Park

One of the original six, Pink-nic in the Park remains a favorite of mine from the collection! This one needed three thin coats for full opacity.

For my accent nail, I piled on a ton of jelly stones I received in my last Anonymous Lacquer order.

Pink-nic in the Park topped with one coat of the holo topcoat Magik:

Orange You My BFF

The first LE is a beautiful peachy orange that I ended up absolutely loving! It needed three coats for full opacity and had a perfect thickness formula and quick dry time just like all the others.

Orange You My BFF topped with one coat of the holo topcoat Magik:

Sunshine and Fun Times

This one is another new LE. It is a GORGEOUS three-coat yellow! It's not quite neon, but a really bright banana color and I so adore it!

Sunshine and Fun Times topped with one coat of the holo topcoat Magik:

Vernal Time

Another collection original. I needed three thin coats again, and had to recolor this one a little because the camera wouldn't quite pick it up right. I didn't recolor the bottle though, so you can see how the camera originally showed it next to my edited nails which show the color better.

Vernal Time topped with one coat of the holo topcoat Magik, which also had to be adjusted for better coloring. The edits messed up and blued the holo in the picture, but it is a beautiful combo!

Under the Blue Hour

Yet another original and my number one, or as least one of my tops, from the collection! It is such an amazing color and looks crazy fabulous with the holo topcoat over it! I needed two thin coats for my swatch.

Under the Blue Hour topped with one coat of the holo topcoat Magik:

I Lilac You

The blue-toned purple from the original collection. This one also only needed two coats, and I had to recolor it a little for better color accuracy.

I Lilac You topped with one coat of the holo topcoat Magik:

Showers to Flowers

The final original polish from the collection. This one is a pink-toned purple. Again, two perfect coats and a touch of recoloring for accuracy.

Showers to Flowers topped with one coat of the holo topcoat Magik:

Summer Nights and Neon Lights

Last but not least, the third LE is a cute neon rainbow glitter in white crelly polish. This one was another three-coater. The glitters laid nice and flat, and didn't tend to clump up horribly since they're pretty small. This is really fun! I love how it has colors from all of the others in one!

Summer Nights and Neon Lights topped with one coat of the holo topcoat Magik:

And of course, a macro of that crazy, blinged out accent nail!

So do you feel the need to grab the set for yourself? Mill has been nice enough to offer a special discount code NLL15 for 15% off, so take advantage of it while it lasts!