Friday, August 14, 2015

The Digit-al Dozen does Food: Day 5 - Salad

For the final Digit-al Dozen food mani, the group did a sort of blog hop. You've been directed here along a multi-course diner journey, and get to enjoy a healthy salad swimming in the best kind of dressing there is - Dorothy Lynch!

I used Julep Francis as my base, then stamped spinach leaves with BP-50 and SinfulColors Calypso. The tomatoes are in Sally Hansen Rapid Red and from BM04. I free-handed some carrots with Sally Hansen Orange Impulse, mushrooms with Zoya Avery, and eggs with a swirling of Wet'n'Wild French White Creme and Salon Perfect Dandelion Delight. The dripping dressing is NYC Burnt Orange speckled with black.

Since this is a blog hop, head over to visit Amanda for the next item on the menu!