Friday, September 4, 2015

Romantic Beach Scene Nail Decals

Today's post is going to be a quick review of these full-nail decals from Lady Queen.

Unfortunately these wraps did not work well for me. They were too stiff to get them to lay flat around the edges, and they weren't flexible enough to stretch without tearing. I am well experienced with these types of nail stickers, yet these were extremely difficult for me to apply.

I discovered they worked better if I layered the wraps, so on my index and middle nail, I used the same wrap twice, and was able to use the second one to cover up some of the bumps in the first one.

Furthermore, I used four thick coats of Seche Vite topcoat over these to try and smooth them out, but it still didn't perfect everything.

The stickers are absolutely beautiful, and I so wish I could recommend them, but they just didn't live up to my expectations. 

The best part about this mani: I wore some KBShimmer Fallen Angel on my thumb and it is just plain fantastic! :)

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