Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The Digit-al Dozen does Autumn: Day 3 - Jewel-Toned Interconnecting Dots & Diamonds

I used a crap ton of polishes for this look! And by crap ton, I mean 16!

In no particular order, I used five Wet'n'Wild's: Who is Ultra Violet?, Careful it's Vine-tage, Haze of Love, I Need a Refresh-Mint, and Casting Call; a couple from Sinful Colors: Shock and Awe, and Calypso; two Juleps: Francis, and Gabrielle; Rimmel Barmy Blue; OPI My Very First Knockwurst; Sally Hansen Brisk Blue; China Glaze Concrete Catwalk; and three from Orly: Coffee Break, Prince Charmin, and Terra Mauve. Whew! If you have any specific questions about which color is which polish, feel free to ask. I'd lay it all out in this post, but we'd be here all day!

Surprisingly, this design didn't take me long to do. I started with the diamond shapes, roughly adding them all connected together, then went back in and refined the diamonds with the petal shapes, creating a sort of circle around each diamond.

It looks so highly detailed and difficult, and has such a cool effect, but it wasn't at all complicated, and I absolutely love how it turned out! It actually only took me about an hour and a half to do five fingers! It ended up getting late though, and I got lazy, so I did a bigger print in the same style on my thumb.

The image I was inspired by for this look is another result of Google that I've had saved to my computer for too long to remember where it came from:

And of course, don't forget to check out everyone else's looks for today too!