Thursday, June 30, 2016

A Weekly Dose of Rainbows: Tie-Dye

I got some paint pen.... contraptions to play with because I thought they might make for some interesting nail art! They are like markers with more of a paint-consistency ink, and fine-point brush tips. Unfortunately topcoat takes all the color out and they wash away without some sort of sealer, but they were fun to play anyway! I'll be passing them on to my little one since they didn't work for what I wanted them to.

Anyway, for A Weekly Dose of Rainbows this week, we got to choose whatever we wanted for the theme. I went for a tie-dye look. I got some sweet cuticle stains from the paint if I wasn't careful, but the design did turn out looking kind of neat! They worked great for blending!

Of course don't forget to check out everyone else's "freestyle" rainbow nail art from the group in the Instagram tag #AWeeklyDoseOfRainbows too!

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