Monday, June 12, 2017

The Digit-al Dozen does Paper: Newspaper Sailboat Mani

I don't often attempt the more realistic style of painting, but I have some newfound competition (actually she's far superior at realistic creations, and I'm really jealous of her canvas painting skills, so I'm just trying to make myself feel better by saying I am at least competition haha!) at work in the "I'm a badass, look what I can paint!" department, so I wanted to step up my game and try my hand at a newspaper sailboat design for my first look of the Digit-al Dozen "Paper" prompt.

I started with a striping brush gradient using (light to dark) Pure ICE Jump In, China Glaze Wait n' See, and L'Oreal Jet Set to Paris, then white-washed that with some watered down Rica Whiteout. I used Born Pretty Store polishes #343 and #379 for my greenery, then various mixes and layerings of Rica Whiteout and Blackout for the newspaper sailboat.

This was a really fun design to paint! I just loving being able to do such intricate nail art!